Prayer: Marriage & Finances

Dear Lord,

We trust in you and your provision!  We thank you for all that we have and the rich blessing you have given to us in our families.  You are worthy of our praises, so we cry out to you with joy!  We lift up our hearts to you and the stress that tries un relentingly to burden us, most significantly being finances.  We know that we need to trust in you and just lift our requests up.  As we do this, please protect us from the doubt that creeps into our minds.  Guard our hearts as we look to you and not our account balance!  Help us to run to you in times of need and not our own wisdom!  Help every husband and wife respond out of love, instead of fear of not having enough.  You are enough and we need help Lord.  Please help us to be good stewards of our money, diligent in all spending, accountable in tithing to you, consistent in saving and willing to be generous to others in need.  Bless us O Lord! Help us to be content with what we have as you give unto us.  Please remove the love of money out of our hearts as we focus on you!  We trust in you to be our provision.

In Jesus name AMEN!

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