Prayer: Faithful To Tithe

Dear God,

Thank You for all that we have.  You are our provider, giving us everything we need to sustain!  Help us to be faithful to giving back to You what is already Yours, help us Lord to tithe our first fruits.  Help us to give to You the first ten percent of our income, as well as an offering from our hearts.  Please position husbands and wives to be able to give that to You and trust You with their finances.  We pray for the spouse that is reluctant to give up control of their money.  Please soften their hearts and enlighten them as to why You have called us to tithe.  Open their ears and let them listen to their wife or husband who is trying to encourage them to tithe.   We also pray for those couples who regularly attend church but do not tithe, please convict their hearts.  Show these men and women how they will be blessed by not having such a tight reign on their finances.  May You bless those who are faithful and give wisdom to those who need to be faithful in Jesus name we pray AMEN!

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