Prayer: Intimacy In Marriage

Dear Lord,

Thank you for my wife and thank you for all of the trials and blessings we have experienced in our marriage. Thank you for all of the trials and blessings that we will experience in the days and years to come. I pray that we would pursue intimacy with each other every day. I pray that we would pursue spiritual intimacy first by being in the Word together and by praying regularly with each other. I pray that our walk with you would be intentional and consistent. Lord, help us to be emotionally intimate as we find time to be alone to just talk and know each other well. Lord, teach us to be physically intimate in a regular and pure way. Help us to never neglect each others physical needs. Lord, this marriage is yours and I pray that we would commit to walking in your will as we pursue eachother. We know that one of the best ways to protect our marriage during trials is to do these things.

In Jesus’ name, amen!

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