Powerful Prayer In Marriage

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Prayer in marriage works!!

This is an awesome testimony from a wife in our community:

A couple of months ago my husband was coming home so sad and distant. I would ask him what was wrong at work and he wouldn’t tell me. It was breaking my heart! Finally he told me he was getting bullied by another guy at work. Who basically made his days awful to cope with. My husband never fought back at him, he just turned away and kept working. The guy even messed up a machine so ink sprayed my husband’s pants and ruined them, took a picture with his phone and showed it to everyone at work.

I was so upset.

How can a wife protect her love, her partner?

So at Bible study I cried and asked for them to pray a prayer of protection for my husband. That night before he went to work I kissed him and whispered it will be okay I have a team praying for him. He hugged me goodbye and left. That morning when he came home he woke me. With tears in his eyes he said baby the prayer worked! He looked shocked even saying it. It was like it was hard to believe it worked. He said he got to work and walked into the office and said look its him or me! The manager said we heard from other workers what was happening and that you never raised a voice at that guy. That you just did your job and never complained. So we have moved him to another shift to keep you safe, he is on probation and we thank you for all your hard work. I was so relieved and my husband became himself again. He enjoys work again and we are closer than ever to God and each other.

Just thought I would share that a wife can make a difference with prayer. Thank you for being a great role model to me.

I was blessed to hear this testimony! It is incredible to see God using a wife to intercede for her husband. I also hope this is an encouragement to you to always be in prayer for your marriage. Pray for your husband everyday. Pray protection over him, pray for his job, pray for his role as a husband, and pray for his heart. Prayer in marriage is one of the greatest ways God will work through your marriage! You can make a difference as a wife through prayer.

There is one great way to begin praying for you and your husband daily! If you sign up for the Unveiled Wife Prayer Of The Day! Every morning you will receive an email of a prayer! Sign-up using the form below: 

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