How One Woman Found Healing From Painful Sex…

I recently received a powerful testimony from a woman who found healing from painful sex. Please read her testimony and then I will explain a little more:

(She asked to remain anonymous)

I married my high school sweetheart at age 19. We were both virgins and when our wedding night came, I expected magic. Instead I felt pain and disappointment. I didn’t expect sex to hurt so bad. I figured we were rookies and eventually pain during intercourse would go away. It didn’t. Years went by. I lost count of how many gynecologist I saw; none of them having answers. My husband was always patient, kind and gentle but it still ate away at me. I thought making love with my husband was supposed to be beautiful, a gift from God but instead it HURT. I prayed over and over for healing, for a miracle. About 8 years into marriage I heard about Jen’s ministry and blog ( By the grace of God I found and read her blog on parabens. She had experienced this same pain and found a way to make it go away! I was willing to try anything so I went through all my shampoos, soaps, makeup and threw out anything with parabens or hormone-distrupters. In a matter of days, I had no more pain during intercourse for the very first time! I couldn’t believe after years of research and countless doctor appointments, the answer to my prayers were on this blog. I am forever thankful to Jen for her vulnerability in writing and sharing this blog post that changed my marriage for the better!” – J.

Let me explain…painful-sex-healing

This testimony has brought me to tears. I suffered for 4 years in my marriage, desperately wanting to experience the ecstasy of sex the way God designed it to be for a husband and wife. We too saved ourselves for marriage and expected magic on that first night.

Instead, pain flooded my body every single time my husband and I tried being sexually intimate. And it breaks my heart that some women suffer much longer than even we did. This is a huge part of my motivation to share my story on my blog and in my book…this crazy discovery God lead us to about parabens.

It started with another woman’s story. Back in 2010, my friend, who was trying to give perspective to our painful situation, shared with us a story she heard from her friend. At the time, I found it irrelevant and didn’t think twice about it, until God brought it back to the surface of my husband’s heart about 6 months later. You can read that woman’s story and how the environment affected her PCOS here.

Because of her story, my husband started thinking of what in our environment could be affecting my body. He took my face wash, which I had been using since a teenager, and started looking up the ingredients one by one. Then he came upon 4 or 5 different parabens and discovered that they are known as endocrine disruptors. This is really when the research began. We had to educate ourselves on what all this meant.

I avoided using the face wash and a week later my husband and I had great sex! Just like it was meant to be. That is when I became an advocate for Paraben-Free products. I even went back to the gynecologist, told her what happened, and she looked at me like I was crazy. She even told me that parabens had no relation to what I was dealing with. AH! The frustration. All I know is that avoiding parabens helped me tremendously! So 6 years later I am still avoiding them like the plague.

I am no scientist and I may not understand how the human body works in its entirety…however, from what I do understand, I strongly believe that parabens are wreaking havoc on our bodies. From a young age we are exposed to them and they are disrupting our bodies. Some people, like me, might just be a little extra sensitive to the havoc they are causing.

I also believe we have a real enemy, and if he can’t get us to buckle in our relationships, of course he is going to confuse us and irritate us any means he can through the environment.

I hope this is a light to you. I hope this is an encouragement.

If you are struggling with painful sex, please check your personal care products – I mean check EVERYTHING – and get rid of anything that is a known endocrine disruptor. You can do your own research and look up ingredients and their potency at:

We need to be advocates of healthy living and taking care of our bodies. We need to be aware of the truth that the enemy hates us and wants us to suffer. I urge you, that if there is a problem you are wrestling with physically, like painful sex, please don’t be embarrassed to seek help and don’t ever stop researching about it. Keep praying and asking God to guide you and heal you. Otherwise, it will persist and affect your marriage.

You can read the details of our story as we suffered from painful sex for four years and then found healing in my book The Unveiled Wife.

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