My Heart: When My Husband Helps

The other day my husband spent ten hours helping some friends of ours move into their new home. When I caught up with him later, I told him how awesome it is that he is willing to help our friends like that. A smile grew on his face. He knows he is a good friend, and he is proud of that.whenmyhusbandheps

He is always there to help. He is a quick responder. He acts with willingness, joy, strength. He has always been this way.

I love seeing my husband have such a big heart. It also reaffirms for me just how much he loves our family. He helps so much with our needs too. When he sees a need, he does what he can to fill it, fix it, buy it, or anything else necessary to get a job well done.

I love this about him. I am incredibly thankful to have a man who puts the needs of others above his own. My heart is full of gratitude just thinking about him and his willingness to be there for others. I believe it reveals so much about his character.

The thing is…I am not always good at seeing this quality in my husband. Sometimes I get jealous that he wants to spend so much time helping others. Sometimes, I get upset that he is so willing to change up plans to help others. Sometimes, my selfishness gets in the way of seeing his character as a blessing.

Today, I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the truth that God gave my husband a beautiful heart that truly cares for others. He genuinely cares about providing generously to others without acknowledgement or praise or recognition. He just does it because he believes it is right. I want to take a moment to consider the message he is modeling for our children: that people and our relationships matter greatly.

I also want to challenge you…to consider your husband’s character and thank God for all that is good. Ask God to give you eyes to see the good in your husband. Ask God to help you be thankful today. Also, say a prayer for your husband.

Today is a good day.

Also, if you are interested in building intimacy with your husband…here are a handful of ways to inspire you! Click HERE! 

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