Movie Review – Courageous


Courageous is a film by the creators of Fireproof.  This movie was a great story regarding a group of men and their response to faith in Christ and assuming their responsibilities as men of integrity, including their roles as fathers and husbands.  I recently watched Courageous with my husband and we both enjoyed it and highly recommend it.

Courageous reveals truths about God’s intentions for men to live up to His standards.  These men are faced with financial hardships, relational struggles, and even death-threatening situations.  It was awesome to see how some of these men experienced a change of heart and saw life in a different perspective.  I really appreciated that because it helps us view our life through a different lens.  It is good to challenge yourself, to evaluate life and if things don’t measure up, to have the courage to make changes.

One thing that really stood out to me, something that is really important for me to enact in my family and in other relationships I have, is spending time with people doing what matters to them.  If a child likes to read, I want to read with them, if my husband likes to try exotic foods, I want to do that, even if it makes me uncomfortable.  I want to be selfless and show others that I support what interests them.

I don’t want to miss an opportunity to make a memory because of fear.  I want to be courageous!

One man in the movie said to his wife, “I don’t mind walking when I have good news!”  He was literally talking about walking and the good news was a job offer, but we can apply this to life in general.  We should not complain about adversity or hardships, rather endure them as they come, with joy set before us that Christ has redeemed us!  That is good news that should carry us through, yet so many times we forget or don’t acknowledge the power in the victory.

This movie also showed my husband and I that it is very important to allow people close to us to keep us accountable; friends to encourage us through trials and pray with us in times of praise and need.  Having a support system that understands and values the commitments we have made, which are brave enough to keep us accountable, is needed in each of our lives.

There was another sweet moment in the movie where a father treats his daughter to a fancy dinner.  She is maturing and becoming more interested in being in a relationship, but her father steps in and asks for her heart, asks for her to trust him with it for a little while longer.  His extravagant love, blessing her, and making her feel royal and worthy is something that all young girls desire.  I believe if more fathers courageously cultivated a relationship with their daughters like this, more women would grow up to have high self-esteem, confidence, and self-worth, which would impact the decisions made in those crucial young adult years.

The resolution these men made before each other to be men of integrity, fathers who care, and husbands who love, is a challenge set before every viewer.  By the end of the film, it is evident that commitments such as the ones they made are essential to personal growth, as well as fostering a healthy, loving, supportive family.

If you have seen this movie and enjoyed it or made changes in your life because of it, please leave your testimony below.  If you have not yet seen it, please set up a date night and watch it with your spouse!

Here is a trailer for Courageous:

There is a book that outlines the resolution the men in the movie made called The Resolution For Men.  Feel free to commit to it yourself!

Also, there is a book out by Priscilla Shirer called The Resolution For Women if you women are interested in committing to a woman resolution.



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