Master Bedroom Bliss

The master bedroom should be a place for couples to relax, re-energize and enjoy each other. I had read an article many years ago stating this wonderful idea and it has stuck with me ever since. I have always tried to keep our bedroom a special place. I decorated the room with candles and kept the piles of clutter away. I would make the bed each morning. I hung pictures of our wedding on the wall. My husband and I also created a wonderful piece of art together by painting our bodies and pressing them onto a canvas, but you can read more about that here: Body Painting. It was a priority to keep our room special.

Then enter children. We have been blessed with two wonderful children and we are currently pregnant with our 3rd. Let’s just say in recent years our priorities have changed. We wake up early with the children who have climbed into our bed during the night. We have piles of clothes on the dresser tops. There are toys scattered on the floor. The candles have been long gone and are collecting dust somewhere in the basement. Sadly, the romance has faded and once in a while we can sneak in a quickie. We try to romance each other on special occasions but are usually so tired we just fall asleep.

Our bedroom is not a place to relax. We do not find peace and comfort. We usually step on a toy while crawling out of bed. While I am opposed to making a ‘no children’ rule for our bedroom I am ready to reclaim our space. We don’t mind if the children cuddle us on the bed or climb in with us in the morning. Our children share bedrooms and sometimes I use our bed as a safe zone allowing a child to play on our bed while the other child has to find somewhere else to play. But I will be telling them to take their belongings with them when then leave.

I want our bedroom to celebrate our marriage. I want our bedroom to be a place with no distractions from the world outside our door. So, I did a little experiment last night. After the children had gone to bed I went to work organizing our room. I changed the sheets and made the bed. I removed piles of paper to our desk, which is in another room of the house. I took heaps of laundry to the basement, and took the time to put the clean clothes that were piled up sky high on the dressers, away in their place. I dusted and swept and washed the windows. I pulled out the candles from their hiding spot and placed them on the dresser tops (Of course I keep the matches up and out of reach from our children). I removed photos of our family members and children and replaced them with photos of our wedding and anniversaries. I found some photos from when we first started dating and set them up as well. I rehung our Body Painting!!sanctuary

Our bedroom is our special place to reconnect and celebrate our marriage. Our bedroom is a place for us to relax and enjoy each other. I am so glad I took the time to retake our bedroom and make it, once again into a special place to share with my beloved. God is my number one priority and my husband is my second. He is greatly loved. By keeping our bedroom a special place for us, it shows my husband that he is loved and cared for.

I challenge you to make some changes in your bedroom. I am not suggesting that you need to go out and buy a king-sized bed and a gallon of paint. Someday that would be nice, but for now, baby steps. Remove the clutter. Put away the laundry. Pull out the candles. Celebrate your marriage!

Looking for more ways to celebrate your marriage? Click here!

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