Marriage After God: Gathering 2017

Did you know that I started this blog almost 6 years ago?

It is amazing to me to see how God has used this blog to influence marriages all over the world. He gets all the honor and praise!

I love taking the time to celebrate all that we have experienced, as well as all that we are looking forward to on this wild journey. Along the way my husband and I have seen many (just about all) of our dreams and goals fulfilled, glory to God. It has been an incredible journey and this year we are kicking it up a notch!

Hosting a conference for the Husband Revolution and Unveiled Wife Communities has always been a dream tucked away in our hearts, simmering until just the right time. And that time is now. We have been prayerfully preparing for this experience and we have been eager to share it with you!

I am so excited to announce that my husband and I are hosting an amazing and unique marriage experience here in Central Oregon this June! It is an intimate setting along the Metolius River, exclusive for only 13 couples. As much as we wish we could do a larger conference where we could meet each and every one of you in our communities face to face, the reality is that we wouldn’t be able to be as intentional if that was the case. We feel really strongly about keeping this gathering intimate and small so that we can spend that intentional time with each couple that attends.

You can Register at

We are currently preparing some really awesome welcome bags for those who attend, as well as fine tuning the curriculum.

This is not an ordinary marriage retreat and it is not for every couple right now. We realize that this is a big commitment. We want you to take time to consider and pray about whether this opportunity is for your marriage right now.

Watch the promo video:

You can Register at

Our Prayer is that at the end of this gathering each couple will have the courage and motivation to boldly chase after the plan and purpose God has for their marriage.

June 1, 2, and 3 we will be gathering together in Central Oregon for an extraordinary experience. This is not your average marriage retreat or conference. It is intimate, it will challenge you and rejuvenate you, best of all we will get to spend quality time face to face.

This is a time for togetherness, fun, and inspiration. There will be time for some outdoor adventure too such as hiking! I can’t wait!

If you and your spouse are ready to take that next step in your marriage and have a desire to serve God together, please prayerfully consider joining us this summer.

For more details check out!

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