Living Out What I Say

A few days before Christmas I posted to Facebook and Instagram a quick encouragement and challenge to not let unmet expectations steal our joy on Christmas. I was sharing how easy it can be to have expectations and desires about how a special day like Christmas should go…but reminding us that there are times those expectations won’t be met.

I knew this would be a great reminder for us all…but I didn’t imagine I would need this message to remind my heart not to be down because of what we would experience.

Here is what I posted just a few days before Christmas:

Christmas Eve morning our son Eliott woke up with a fever. I hoped it was a fluke and he would feel better after his nap. I had been looking forward to the Christmas eve party all week. However, nap time came and went, and not only did Eliott look worse, but now Olive had come down with a fever as well. Staying home that night and skipping out of the fun was a challenge, but I was hopeful for whatever this sickness was to pass quickly so we all could enjoy Christmas day.

Christmas morning was slow. The kids were lethargic and uncomfortable. We ended up having to cancel Christmas dinner with our family so the kids could rest. I’ll be honest, I was bummed to feel like we all missed Christmas. But the truth is, we didn’t miss it, we just didn’t celebrate it like we had planned.

We were still together. It was slow and nice. We haven’t spent that much down time as a family in awhile. Although the nights have been rough with kids coughing and feverish, and the days a little emotional…it was a gift to spend this time with my husband and children.

I did have to check my attitude every now and again about what we were experiencing compared to what it could have been if no one was sick. My husband also reminded me of what I shared on social media a few days before, desiring my own words to encourage my heart. I realized I have to live out what I say. What I share with those of you following along on Facebook and Instagram, is for me too!

And…there will always be next year!

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