Letter To My Husband – With You, I’m Home

My Darling David,

How can I even begin to put in words what being married to you feels like? How do I describe how you make me feel? I grew up in a broken family, having to move from house to house and never having a real home. Losing my parents, both on the same day and being in care, I felt so alone, incomplete. I was an orphan and had no one to love me. Then when I was 17, I found a dating website and after a period of time, I found you. 4 years later we married. A small, intimate wedding where I became your wife and you became my entire world. We brought our first house, my first home. I say ‘home’ to describe a place I finally felt safe, secure, loved… happy. I cannot imagine having a happier and more fulfilled marriage. You make ‘working at a marriage’ so easy.

God knew when he created us that we would one day find each other, and when we did, the angels whispered “perfect.” Thank you for every day, making me feel beautiful, supporting me when I am feeling low, working so hard to provide for us and being so grateful for all the things I do for you. One day, by the grace of God we will have our own children and we will raise them to love him, bringing them up in a loving and caring family where they see their parents so in love and loving them.

3.5 years married… cant wait for the next 3.5! 🙂
All my love,
Now and always!
Your Bubba Roo xxx

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