Letter To My Husband: A Love Rebuilt

My Dearest Stephen,

Four years ago you came into my life, and not just mine, but a tiny 7 month old boy’s life as well. The first day I met you, you were in your police uniform and you were such a kind gentleman. One that I had never met before. We saw each other every day from that point on, but finally kissed after about 3 weeks of dating and talking to each other non stop. Things were so much different for us than other young couples our age at the time. Me with my 7 month old baby boy and you with your four year old blonde beauty. Unlike most couples who consider meeting the parents a “serious level,” we met “the kids.” From that point on we became the ultimate packaged deal that lead us to become a blended family in June of 2013.

The day that the four of us became one was the best day of my life. It was probably the first day that I had ever seen so much adoration and love in your eyes. But four months later our marriage took a wrong turn and it went downhill pretty fast. We stopped caring, started yelling at each other all the time, cursing at each other to get our points across, degrading each other with words we didn’t mean to say. All because of financial stress, work related stress, and legal stresses. We always let our anger or Satan control our marriage. But then it took another wrong turn, or maybe it was a wake up call. In August of 2014, I found out that you were having an affair. Thankfully it was not sexual, but only emotional due to the attention you were lacking from me because my attitude showed that I had already given up. At that point we hit rock bottom and the only thing we knew what to do was to drop down on our knees and pray for each other and for forgiveness. We didn’t want a divorce. It has only been four short months and we have transformed our marriage. We have found love again and most of all we have rebuilt this marriage back up from the ground and realized that our marriage is a covenant and not a contract. I thank God for that.

Love Your Wife,


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