Letter To My Husband – To My Best Friend

Dear Craig Harris,

You are my best friend, my lover, father to my children and my home. Never in a million years could I have found a man as wonderful as you. You hear the song in my heart and can sing it back. The Lord had his hand in bringing us together and he is working on us everyday. You are so supportive, from the birth of our premature son to my loosing my job – to loosing our home, your support never wavered. When the world is tilting and I can’t find my feet, you are there. To steady me and bring me home. Your love of the Lord is so contagious, I am so excited to see what he is doing and his plans for our life! You are our leader, our oak, our steady and I am so proud to be your wife! The Godly example you set for our sons is driven by your Love for our Lord and will keep us on the right track. Thank you for being my husband, the father of our sons and mostly for being my best friend.
I love you,


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