Letter To My Husband – Our Overcoming

Dear Christopher Quinlivan,

O love, how incredible our journey has been so far. Almost ten years now since we began dating at the innocent age of 15. And five years of blissful marriage filled with non stop adventure, struggles, joy, and our weekly dates. Our pasts would have predicted that we’d never have made it here, my parents having never been married, and yours divorced three times. Years of abuse, pain, and bitterness that God has helped us sort through together. We’ve sought out counseling at a young age to guarantee our marriage a fighting chance. We are intentional in our love, always seeking new ways to express it, and steadily reinforcing our wall of protection. I am so grateful to have a man who understands my need for date nights, meaningful conversations, and that my main love language is gifts. You work so hard at being romantic on top of being a busy school teacher. I appreciate all you do for me, your my best friend, my safe haven, my date, my only one. Thank you for continuing to woo me, for being steadfast in getting to know me more and more, for supporting my dreams and for making me feel accepted. You know my deepest secrets and my darkest days, but you look past all of that and you don’t view me as broken. In your eyes I feel strong and able. In the past year and a half since you were saved, you have grown so much in Christ. I admire your heart to volunteer with the youth group, the generous acts of work you do for others in and out church. Thank you for learning how to lead me, for being a man that I can respect, honor, and be proud of. I love you more today than I ever thought I could, and ten years from now I know it will only grow more. I love you for never ceasing to surprise me, for being my constant, for exploring with me, for being a perfect mix of dependability and spontaneity. You’ve yet to stop holding my hand, kissing me, hugging me, holding me, dating me, loving me. Thank you for helping us bring glory to God through our marriage. I love you Christopher!

Love Your Wife


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