Letter To My Husband: My Greatest Blessing

Dear Hunter,

Without you, I would not be here getting to experience this wonderful blessing from God. The greatest blessing he has ever given me is you and our family. You have stood by me at the toughest times, even during the times when I kept trying to push you away. You took on the responsibility of a father before you even became a father. Your perseverance of sticking with me shows me how true and unconditional your love is, even when I test your love for me.

Our marriage may be crazy at times, but my love for you may be even crazier. You are an inspiration to me. You take on so many tasks and never once complain about them. You go to the ends of the Earth to provide for our family everything we need plus what we want. Not a day goes by that everything you do goes un-noticed.

I am so proud of the man that you have become. You have changed so much in the past nine years, that it is unbelievable. God was working on you, even while you were pulling away. He was working on me too, while I pulled away. Even while we pulled away from one another, He never allowed us to pull away at the same time, because He has a plan for us. His plan is for us to be married and to show that marriages work when you have unconditional love for one another. He wants to use us as an example of what unconditional love is for one another and show that with God’s love and faith, others can have unconditional love too.

Its like while going through all the pain, heartache, trouble, and sin that we encountered brought us to where we are today. Without all of that we wouldn’t be here getting to experience His love for us individually and for our marriage. I am so thankful you agreed to do the marriage devotional with me, even though at first you were hesitant. I feel it did exactly what the cover says, Drawing closer to God and to your husband.

Every day I promise to cherish you, love you, and treat you as a gift. You are my gift from God. Every day I will treasure the greatest gift He has ever given me.

Love, Your Wife

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