Letter To My Husband – More Than The Man Of My Dreams

Dear Phillip,

As a little girl, I use to dream of the man for whom I’d be his “good thing.” I wondered, ‘How will he look? How will he treat me? Will he be able to make me laugh?’ With you, each day I am reminded that God is faithful to his promise to give us more than we could ask for. God could not have chosen for me to spend my life with a man more loving, caring, or sexy than you! I wake next to you each morning with joy because I know that you have covered me in love and prayer. I follow you because you follow God, and I know that with every decision you make, we are going to be on the path God wants for us and our family. When I am at my lowest, you are my rock praying for me and speaking positivity to my spirit. If you asked me to marry you again, I’d say yes with my whole heart! You are much more than the man of my dreams; you are God’s chosen provider, protector, and keeper of my life and love! I am thankful to have you to share this life with, and to dream big dreams with. Thank you for all you do and all that will come. Because of you, babe, I know true love is real.

Forever yours,


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