Letter To My Husband: I Love You Even More Now

My Dear Cody,

Ever since our first date, I knew you were the one for me. The perfect man who came into my life at the perfect moment. Our relationship has grown and evolved in the exact way it’s needed to. Now, our family has grown since we had our sweet Baby Ellie. God knew what he was doing when he gave us this precious, sweetheart. I absolutely LOVE watching you care for her and play with her. She has your eyes, your mouth, your personality and I know she will grow to have your heart and your love for the Lord. I am so glad I have a partner who understands the importance of raising our child under God. She will forever know that she can count on her parents and Him.

I didn’t know I could love you more, but the things we have gone through as a couple and by adding a child to our family, I love you even more now. I’m sure my love for you will continue to grow, even though I don’t know how that would be possible. I love the way you make me laugh, tell me stories, and love me. I hope we can continue to grow together, raise Ellie together, and love God together until the end of our time here. I love you, Cody.

Your Wife,

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