Letter To My Husband – I Give Up

Darling Don,

I write this letter out of a deep desire to grow. I have never encountered such deep and abiding love and devotion and it scares me. My old wounds and baggage have a way of showing up and it takes work to get through the feelings and emotions. The insecurities and fears. Yet, there you are, constant and ever present. Loving me through it all. Your patience, devotion and understanding are treasures for me. God surely shows me His love through you – a loving husband. He shows you His love through me, a wife who wants to be the wife you deserve.

So, I give up.

I give up trying to always protect myself and avoid pain. I give up shutting down when I get fearful. I give up feeling I am undeserving and unworthy. I give up feeling I need to be perfect and always in control.

I give up my life and our marriage to the lovingness of our Lord and Savior.

Love, Your Wife

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