Letter To My Husband – For My Husband

Dear Mat,
I love you dearly. Thank you for being the most supportive nurturing, loving husband. You are such a hard worker and a wonderful provider. I know things are hard right now and we are not where we want to be in life, but I love the journey we are on, I love the struggles and trials. We are growing closer to each other and learning so much. You have seen me at my worst and my best, and you still love me. You accept me for who I am, for the sinner I am, the dork I am, the lover I am, the stubborn woman I am. When I struggle with my relationship with God you have been there to remind me of my faith and how much God has carried us. Your patience makes me want to be a better person, it is so encouraging. I love everything about you but what I love the most is your faith. You have a beautiful heart and I love seeing you serve God so faithfully. I love that you are in church with me every Sunday, holding my hand as we pray, I love that I can share my life with you, I love that I grow with you. I can’t wait to see where God takes us, and I am so blessed to be on this journey with you.
Your Loving Wife,



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