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Letter To My Husband: Broken, Yet Whole

Dear Andrew,

I know that we are broken people.. but I thank you that you continue to show me how I can be whole in Christ. I am sorry that for so long I have put my hope in you instead of God – I put a lot of pressure on you to be a perfect person (someone who you cannot be because only the Lord is perfect) I thank you that you always point me back to God. I have been learning so much about God. I have found out that Jesus is the ONLY one who can satisfy me completely. I want to love you with the love that Christ lavishes on me and I want to continue to learn how to submit and respect you. I just can’t thank God enough for a man who is so wise and loyal. Our relationship was falling apart and it looked like we were going to come to an end, but trusting in God and His plan was the best thing we did… Thank you for holding on and remaining faithful to your words. I pray that I can be the woman who God calls me to be above all else. I love you baby,

Your love


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