Learning To Trust God In My Marriage

Do you trust God to provide for you and your husband?  Is financial stress burdening your marriage?  Learning to trust God with your marriage is important for every husband and wife.  Here is one story of how God provided for Annie and her husband!  I hope this reminds you to lean on God in times of need.

My husband and I have been married for almost two years now. I am twenty-one years old and he is twenty-four.  Four months after we started dating, we were engaged, then at eight months we were married. We both knew that God had meant for us to be together, so we knew that we did not want to wait to start our future together.

We got married July 31, 2010 and moved into our apartment on August 1st, 2010 at Bethany Bible College. We are both students here seeking to do God’s will. The first year together was so difficult because we did not know how to live with each other, and on top of all that, we did not have time to really even communicate with each other (nor did we really understand how) because we had loads of homework to do.

We did not have a lot of money and were living off student loans. The area we live in was impossible to find a job in, so we were jobless and had groceries to buy and bills to pay. Slowly we began communication after some marriage counseling, and found that our biggest stress was money. We did not know where the money was going to come from to buy the groceries we needed, or how we would pay off our credit cards (I had one before we got married, and he had two and later got a third). But as we learned to communicate and pray with each other and for each other, things started to get better.

I grew up in a family where time and time again I could see God working in my family. A few times we had very little money and were low on some essential supplies. I watched my parents trust God so completely that no one knew what our situation was and still, after coming home from church, sitting on the doorstep was a box full of everything that we needed. So I knew God was a provider first hand. I began to try and get my husband to understand that trusting God to provide would help take a lot of stress away, but he could not understand what I was saying. I remember we needed to get a car and we found one for $300 that was in good enough shape. We bought this car, and we knew that my husband was going to have to take drivers ed again to lower our insurance as it had been 6 years since he had taken it and they would not accept a certificate that old. We were unsure how we were going to pay for his drivers ed, but the next day we went to our mailbox, and inside was an envelope full of the exact amount we needed for drivers Ed. Again we had told no one our situation, but still God provided.

Time after time we found grocery cards, checks and cards with money in our mailbox, always anonymously given. God was providing when we could not provide for ourselves.  My husband and I learned from that time that we could trust in God for our whole lives. It’s still a work in progress to let go and let God, but by slowly letting go, God had provided part time jobs for both my husband and I, and has given us the funds to pay off three of our four credit cards in less than two years. God is a God of miracles and he turned our hesitant and frustrating time into a time of learning to trust him, and learning to communicate with each other. I love my husband so much more than the day I met him and everyday I love him more and more.

God is the head of our marriage and if we ever slip away from putting him first, I pray that someone will remind us how we got where we are today.

-Annie Winterburn

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