The Importance Of Getting Together With A Close Friend

My friend texted me out of the blue.

I wondered if you would be up for having a cup of tea or dinner out with me?

I just miss you…no agenda.”

It sounded refreshing. I said yes and we made a plan to meet up the next day. She picked me up and we went to a local cafe. I told her what I had been experiencing lately as we drove down the street, up until we ordered dinner. I was still talking when we sat down at a quiet table in the corner.

She chimed in and shared a book she had been reading. We talked about marriage and children and friendships. We shared smiles, encouragement, advice, and even a few unexpected tears.

Being out with her for the hour and half we sat to talk, affirmed my relationship with her. It made me feel loved and cherished.

It was a brief meet up with no agenda. Just two friends reminding each other that they love each other and desire to be close. It was a perfect, fulfilling experience I didn’t know I needed.

I am so grateful for the time I got to spend with my girl friend. We both agreed that we need to do it more often. And so we will. To give each other a gracious ear to listen, to be present, to be close and to walk through life together.

Friendship is a beautiful gift from God that I am learning how to steward.

What I realized with this random dinner with my friend is that being present is affirming. To see someone in real life, up close and personal, says a lot more than what can be seen following a social feed. I was reminded how good it feels to talk about things I otherwise would tuck away in my heart. I was reminded that I have a friend outside of my family who truly cares for me and desires to see me grow. And I was reminded how good it feels to be used to encourage another woman.

Women need other women. There is something special in a friendship between women. A bonding that is recognized, understood, and appreciated. There is a compassion and camaraderie that can be found when you are sitting across a table from a woman and you both have tears in your eyes.

We must make time to sit with our female friends, to love them, encourage them, and remind them that we are blessed to have them in our lives. Doing so affirms us and removes any doubt that may be stirred up to corrupt what we believe about our friendships. We must be willing to be vulnerable, while also slowing down to listen. Investing in our friendships is important because it refreshes and refuels our hearts. Would you agree?

What girl friend in your life can you reach out to today to get together and have tea or dinner…no agenda. Just two friends sharing in laughter, encouragement and possibly even a few unexpected tears?

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