Husband & Wife After God: 30 Day Devotional Challenge

My husband and I just completed a 31 day challenge where we committed to pray for each other through the month of January using our prayer resources Thirty-One Prayers For My Husband & For My Wife.

It was awesome!

We loved that thousands of you in our online communities took the challenge with us! We want to encourage you all to keep praying for your spouse daily.

We were so inspired by this experience, we thought it would be incredible to invite you all again to join us as we dive into Husband After God and Wife After God, our 30-Day Marriage Devotionals this March!

Every day in March we will post to Facebook an encouragement, reminder, or thought regarding that day’s topic, using the hashtag:


If you desire to join us you can follow along on Facebook at:

If you commit to this Marriage Devotional Challenge be sure to invite your spouse to do it as well and any friends who you think would love to join us!

The books we are using for this challenge were written by my husband and me. Each day has scripture that supports the thought for that day, which we highly recommend you meditate on. There are also journal questions to consider each day, along with a prayer.

We are looking forward to the fresh season of spring and this exciting challenge that will draw us closer to God.

You can get the devotionals here: 

Amazon: Husband After God     |      Wife After God

Or shop our store and buy them as a bundle for a great discount!

Wife After God:

This refreshing 30 day devotional for wives was prayerfully composed with biblical concepts and practical challenges to help you nourish your relationship with God and your relationship with your husband into ones that are captivating, intimate and extraordinary.


The encouragements in this devotional will help you create captivating closeness with God and with your husband.


As each day intentionally prompts you to cultivate intimacy with God, intimacy with your husband becomes inevitable.


Journey through this devotional and experience extraordinary transformation both as a Christian and as a wife.

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