How To Show Your Husband Respect

respect-husbandRespect is such an important marriage topic! It is crucial for husbands and wives to respect each other. Without respect, a marriage is left vulnerable to ruin.

Ephesians 5:33 “However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.”

Wives, we are called to respect our husbands! It is a need that God designed them with and it is our ability to fulfill that need!

Sometimes we know we are suppose to respect our husbands, but it gets challenging to know HOW to show your husband respect. You can actually show respect in many ways! One of the greatest, most effective ways is simply telling your husband, “I respect you!” However, be prepared for him to respond, “Why?” So be sure to have a few reasons of why you respect him to share. This will surely affirm your husband in an incredible way.

I challenge you to do this today!

Also, I am sharing 3 Ways To Show Your Husband Respect over at The Better Mom! Check it out!

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