How I Overcame Trauma And Crisis In My Life

If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself. (II Timothy 2:13 NKJV)

This scripture speaks volumes about the Hope we have in God. Even when we don’t realize that hope is present, it is. Therefore, we can always live in hope.

The other night, I was sitting with my husband talking about how much has changed in our lives this past year when suddenly I began to cry. I really didn’t know why I was crying because I wasn’t sad. I started to “think out loud”, as I like to call it…


I began to realize why I was getting emotional. You see, I went through quite a crisis in my personal life this past year which only my husband, my pastors and my close family knew about. It was something out of my control and out of the blue; something that I found myself smack dab in the middle of all of the sudden. And I had no choice but to work through it. I think about it like a trauma, kind of like I was in an accident. Although I wasn’t in an actual physical accident, my heart and soul were wrecked and I wasn’t sure if I would make it.

But I did.

How in the world did I survive? It baffled me and I began to reflect on this. I thought about how I felt such despair, pain, and brokenness. Now I feel love, hope and joy. I feel whole again. It’s so surprising to me that I can’t help but cry. How in the world has my life and circumstances changed so drastically for the better and so quickly, too? Sometimes it feels too good to be true. Someone pinch me. But then I remember God makes all things new (Revelation 21:5) and I am overwhelmed by the simplicity of the fact that God is good.

When dealing with this trauma in my life, I felt at first in shock, stunned by my circumstances. I felt on the verge of flatlining and I felt stuck. But somehow I moved forward. It’s as if God took the “jaws of life” and rescued me from the wreckage of this accident. At that point, I found myself faced with the daunting task of survival. An analogy I use to understand is that I went from being in the ER, to the ICU, to the recovery floor and then physical therapy (my medical background helps me think this way). Throughout all of this, I had to solely rely on others to help me move forward. Facing recovery by myself in the midst of trauma was impossible. Every morning I would ask:

“God, help me make it through today.”

And God was faithful. God’s mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:23). Mercies to be able to get out of bed and function. Mercies to be able to handle the events of the day. Everyday He was helping me. Whether it was from others that were encouraging me and knew what I was going through, or friends that would say something without having any idea that something was wrong, or even little things throughout the day that pointed me towards God’s love for me in His word or in His creation – everyday He was helping me. God never let me go. His grip was tight around my hand and even though I was barely holding on, He held tight. He never leaves and He never forsakes us (Deuteronomy 31:6).

Yet even with God Almighty’s help, we are human beings with free will. Have you ever heard people say that the key to survival is the person’s will power to survive? I have and I now know first hand what that means. It was easy for me to feel weak and discouraged. Why move forward? Why try to make it through? When something isn’t your fault, you can feel beaten up and you just want to give up. But as a Christian, I realized we have something very powerful that sets us apart.

We have forgiveness!

It’s our not-so-secret weapon to overcome in this world! God sent His only Son, whom He loved so deeply, to die in our places in order to make the payment for our sins. We are sinners. Sinners deserve death. But instead of giving us what we deserve, God gave us grace and sent Jesus to take our place… Because He loved us that much. He loved ME that much. He saw every sin I have made and everything I will do wrong in the future, and He still chose to forgive all of it, everything! By forgiving my sins, He has given me freedom from pain, from broken-heartedness, from despair. And most importantly, he has given me freedom to forgive others and to not hold anything against someone else.

I don’t have to feel responsible to judge anyone or make them pay for their actions. I can just lay that down at Jesus’ feet and give it over to Him. I am free! It’s amazing, it’s powerful and it is so beyond what I deserve but it feels good. I feel lighter and I don’t have to carry around burdens anymore. He just loves me that much. And that right there is the Gospel and it is such good news! It is the power of being forgiven and being able to walk in grace that sets me FREE and makes me STRONG. Nothing else will give you such freedom as the revelation of God’s love and His sacrifice for you! Realizing that truth makes you want to jump up and down, shout it from the rooftops and… overcome any obstacle! I realized that yes, I may be going through a trauma but God promised to never leave me and He is right there with you. God also promises that He has plans for our lives,

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)

AND He is…

…able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, (Ephesians 3:20 NKJV)

What we need to do is…

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5, 6 NKJV)

I learned to wholeheartedly trust God. Trusting in Him is what led me to make decisions which I could have never made on my own, but those decisions have taken me to a place of healing and a place of peace and happiness which I can’t deny.

I am amazed at everything God has restored to me- not just the little things in my life, but He restored my life altogether! God made all things new. I have found healing in my heart and soul, and I’ve found joy. I am victorious all because of my Father. I’ve learned that God is for me (Romans 8:31) and that I need Him in my life daily. Having a relationship with my Savior means so much more to me now. He has saved me not just from eternal death but He has saved me from the struggles and trials in the world. I still have to face them and walk through them, but I know that I am not alone and I can make it. “I am more than a conqueror” (Romans 8:37) and I am so thankful. That’s why I was crying!

This is how you overcome and survive a plane crash (instead of just a a paper cut):
1. Depend on God and whom He uses to help you through! Remember that His mercies are new every morning – take it one day at a time! And live in hope.

2. Realize that God has set you free from the punishment of your sins and you can walk in that freedom. When you do, your perspective changes and you see things with strength and confidence in Christ. You can do it!

3. Be in a close relationship with God. He desires you and loves you unconditionally. Living life knowing you are loved and what you are worth gives you an incredible well of joy that runs so deep. The joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10).

Are you going through a crisis in your personal life or marriage?

Traumas such as death in the family, separation, divorce, family issues, addictions, adultery, loneliness, abuse, loss of a child, etc can all seem impossible to overcome or survive, especially alone. Please comment below. I want to pray for you!

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