How A Summer Bucket List Can Protect Your Marriage

There is a very real spiritual battle going on and all of our marriages are targets for destruction.

The enemy is relentlessly warring against us, aiming to breakdown our marriages. We need to stand strong and we need to be actively defending and protecting what is ours, what is God’s.

We need to fight for our marriages.

We need to fortify our marriages and strengthen our love with our spouse so that when attacks come, we are prepared to hang on through any circumstance. We do this by initiating intimacy and intentionally pursuing one another, always.

This summer my husband and I set out to commit every Saturday to going on an adventure. We made a summer bucket list of things to do in our area, places we wanted to explore together. For five weeks in a row, we have faithfully got ourselves and the kids up early, packed lunches, and ventured out to do something new.

I have discovered that exploring with my husband cultivates intimacy and strengthens our love in different ways.

Some of the adventure days we have checked off our bucket list this summer include a museum, an observatory, walking the rim of a lava butte (a dormant volcano), paddle boarding on the Deschutes River and hiking to Proxy Falls. All of which were free adventures except for the museum!How-A-Summer-Bucket-List-Can-Protect-Your-Marriage

The fun begins with sitting down to make the bucket list. Doing an activity like this with your spouse builds up hopefulness for the future, which contributes to a sense of security in the relationship. Plus you both get to add your opinions about what should be on the list, requiring both of you to yield to each other’s desires and take time to listen to each other.

Once you go on an adventure your senses get stimulated by the new scenery and the excitement in the discoveries you make. If you are in any kind of a rut with your spouse or with God, this is a great way to climb right out of it!

When your senses are stimulated you are usually more happy and feel inspired to chat about the adventure. Chatting leads to more openness which can lead to transparent conversations where important marriage issues can be brought us. Since you both are present and committed to the adventure, there is a feeling of safety to bring up matters of the heart.

Doing an activity together promotes friendship and also draws a husband and wife closer together physically. Whether you are hiking a trail, looking over each other’s shoulder at a museum, sitting next to each other at a new restaurant or taking a family selfie, you are present and you are in close proximity, both of which are necessary for intimacy to grow.

Lastly, as you and your spouse go on adventures, you will have opportunities to play, laugh and genuinely enjoy each other…and your kids if you decide to take them with you! Now, you must remember the enemy will still advance his attacks and you may experience some hiccups. You may even argue on the way to your destination. This has definitely happened to us!

Unveiled Wife and I have a plan to do one fun thing from our summer bucket list every Saturday and today was no…

Posted by Husband Revolution on Saturday, June 6, 2015

Be aware and don’t let it get you down. Just do it. Commit to the adventure!

Make lasting memories with your spouse and take lots of pictures. Make a summer bucket list and witness how it protects your marriage, heals brokenness and strengthens your bond of unity with your spouse.

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