His Prayer For Me Last Night

My husband has always had a heart to pray with me at the end of the day. I love this about him. He is consistent and reminds me to never neglect that God is the most important thing in our lives.

Last night, while our heads lay on our pillows, he asked me if I felt cherished. I told him of course I did!

It was mother’s day and it was a good mother’s day. It was a full day. My heart was full of gratitude, yet as I lay exhausted in bed, my mind was overwhelmed. I exhaled a long breath and muttered about the messes made over the weekend that have me going into the week a little chaotic, the work we have that we didn’t strategize about, and the couple projects that have been left unfinished including my garden beds that I am eager to plant in.

Without skipping a beat, he wrapped his arm tighter around me and began to pray…

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the blessing of our house and the life we get to live in it. Thank you for the space to make messes and memories with our children. Thank you for the work you have set out for us to do. We submit this work to You and ask that it would glorify You. Please help us to work together as a team and to accomplish Your will. Thank You for the space we have in our yard to garden and to teach our kids about Your provision. We are grateful, Lord. Thank You for my beautiful wife and the hard work she pours into making our home run and how she disciples our children. I pray You would help both of us to walk in the Spirit tomorrow as we carry out Your will, with joy in our hearts. Help us to be grateful for it all in Jesus’ name AMEN!”

It was a healthy dose of perspective.

I love the way he worded this prayer.

I love the way he talked to God and reminded me at the same time, just how good God is and how good our life is.

I don’t have to let the little stuff overwhelm me.

I pray this perspective helps inspire your heart today too. Talk to God and share with Him the things you are grateful for, even if they are the things that overwhelm you. He is here for us!

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