Help! My Children Are Growing Up Too Fast!

Today my son Eliott turns SIX?!

It feels like only yesterday that I was in labor, anxious and excited to meet my first child. Now I have four children and time doesn’t seem to be stopping or slowing down enough to savor all of the goodness. The Bible says children are a blessing. As much as I have always been fond of children, eager to babysit or enjoying my job as a preschool assistant back in the day, there is nothing quite like a house full of littles. But that right there is the problem I am having…they aren’t staying little long enough!

Some days feel long, some days feel really long, and mommy needs a time out. But overall, in the grand scheme of life, it is all just a blink. And I’m not sure how to reconcile in my heart all of their amazing growth. I am learning how to embrace it, I suppose there is no other choice, and I am loving it, but some times I do wish we could turn time off for a minute or time travel. The point I guess I am trying to make here, is that I really love being a mom. I love tickling my children, teaching them new things, and experiencing fun together. I love comforting them, doing bible time together, and standing side by side in the kitchen. I love watching them draw and be creative. I love showing them how to love and be kind. I love the perspective I get as their mom to look them in the eyes. I love it all.

Now I am going to tell on myself…I hope that if I say it out loud and let you know where I am at, maybe it will stick in my mind and heart. I complain about time not being on my side…but in truth, I have a bit of control in the way I spend the time I have. And I know that I need to slow down. If I slowed down myself, I’m sure I would find some extra time to spoil my children, to make those memories, to engage with them, to love on them, to laugh and play more. I have been getting better at this, but I need to do it more. I need to be willing to shut off my phone, stay in pajamas, build that couch fort and just be close to them. Now that I am saying this, I realize I need to do exactly this with my husband too. I need to stop saying “hurry up” every chance I can insert it. It doesn’t matter if anyone moves faster. Time may not have the ability to slow down, but we do!

This is a commitment I am making to myself, a goal I need to intentionally focus on for a bit. Because my children are only growing up!

Today my amazing little boy is turning 6! I can’t believe it. I am so proud of him and the person he is becoming. We plan on making him a lemon cake and get him a gift or two, but one thing I’ll be giving him, something he probably won’t see coming but maybe he will feel in his heart, is time. I am going to lavish this kid with my time. I am going to spoil him with my presence. I am going to give him my heart and my eyes and my smile. And my prayer is that I would be diligent to give each one of my children this gift every day of their precious lives. Because they matter.

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