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Have You Ever Fasted For Your Marriage? {Start Today}

Fasting for your marriage can change your marriage. - Jennifer Smith

There have been many articles circulating this week about Fasting and Lent, a tradition observed during the 6 weeks leading up to Easter.  This is the third year consecutively I have decided to join in the fast. You can check out the previous posts about this annual event by clicking the links below.

{Fasting For My Marriage – 40 Day Fast Beginning February 22nd!}

{A 40 Day Fast And Prayer For Marriage – Starting Feb.13th}

I believe there are times that we should fast and pray because the Bible shares about it and encourages it.  So whether you choose to fast for the 40 days leading up to Easter (the celebration of Christ’s death and resurrection) or take another time during the year to fast and pray, I urge you to research about it and see what happens when you submit to God in that way.

Please read these stories via

Esther fasted and prayed before going before the King. (Esther 4:15-16)

Nehemiah fasted and prayed before rebuilding the wall. (Nehemiah 1:4)

Jesus fasted and prayed while in the dessert. (Matthew 4:1-2)

What happens when you fast:

As I choose to fast during this time I always encourage the UW Community to join in with me and thousands of others at the same time.

This year was a little different. I procrastinated to send out an invitation about the fast because I wasn’t sure I wanted to fast. There was a part of my heart that was reluctant, and ultimately selfish, as I justified why I shouldn’t fast this year.

Then I woke up this morning and opened the Bible to spend some quality time with The Lord.  I read Matthew 26 detailing the beautiful moment when Jesus was anointed, the last supper, leading up to the betrayal and Christ being accused. My heart broke as I was reminded of all He went through for me.  Then I thought about this particular fast and was convicted that I could surely endure it to draw close to Him.

So it is a little late, but here is the invitation to join me in a 40 day fast.  As much as I want you and me to focus on Christ’s sacrifice and draw close to Him, I also want to urge you to use this time to fast and pray for your marriage!

No matter what the condition is of your marriage is, I truly believe it will always benefit you to submit it before The Lord through fasting and prayer.

All you do is choose something to fast from and then decide what you want to pray for.

I felt led to fast from saying “NO” to my husband, and not just in the bedroom! I have a horrible habit of saying no to him so quickly and I am hoping God uses this fast to transform that part of me. I am called to be my husbands’ helper and that is what I desire. I am also avoiding any kind of desserts.

I am praying for my intimacy with both God and my husband to increase, specifically that I improve the way in which I talk to my husband, I am praying for a few health issues to improve, I am praying for housing situations to be taken care of, I am also praying for my niece and I am praying for The Lord’s guidance as I enter into a project that is going to require His anointing!

Have you ever fasted for your marriage?

Please consider joining me in this 40 Day fast leading up to Easter (and since we are starting late a little past Easter).  I am eager to hear the testimonies of what God does in our lives when we surrender to Him in this way!

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