Fulfilling A Vision We Have Had For Years

My husband and I have spent hundreds, maybe thousands, of hours dreaming together. If there is one thing we have been good at over the last 10 years, I would say it is dreaming. Even in the difficult days of our marriage, we found joy in dreaming about the possibilities of our future.

Since launching Unveiled Wife and Husband Revolution over 6 years ago, we have had fun dreaming about how God would use us to do extraordinary things.

This last week, we fulfilled a vision we have carried in our hearts for our marriage ministries.

A few months after we launched our online ministries, Unveiled Wife and Husband Revolution, my husband and I spent some time dreaming up what these online ministries would look like one day. We talked with hopefulness about these communities growing, we talked about writing books that would help marriages, we dreamed of becoming a resource that would truly be an inspiration to others, and we dreamed of one day hosting a conference of some sort.

We did not have any clear details for these things, but we hoped for them and we prayed for them. We submitted our hearts to God and asked for Him to lead us.

We just celebrated 6 years of running our ministries. And when I say run, I mean we have poured our hearts and everything into maintaining our blogs, doing videos, and posting encouragement on our social pages faithfully and passionately. We love you all so much. It has been an incredible blessing to have you all walking alongside us on this wild adventure.

June 1st, 2nd, and 3rd we gathered together with a handful of couples who said YES to something crazy. We met up in Central Oregon for 3 days to walk through some intimate conversations surrounding marriage and how God wants to use all of our marriages for extraordinary things. We called it Marriage After God: Gathering.

The venue was epic.

The people were genuine.

The food was delicious!

We connected quickly with each other.

Every couple opened up about where they are and what God is doing with them.

We heard other people’s dreams and got to encourage them.

It was extraordinary. That is the only way I can really describe what took place.

And just like that, we are back home, dreaming again. We are considering if we should do this Gathering annually. We see the benefit. But we are also considering turning the curriculum into a devotional for couples at home to experience. Which is also very beneficial. I am excited to see how God continues to move in us and the couples who participated, entrusting us with His message and His mission.

Sitting in my living room, sharing what I can to document such a beautiful event, I am blessed taking some time to acknowledge that my husband and I fulfilled a dream of ours. We couldn’t have done it without God, and we couldn’t have done it without each other. And it feels so good to look back at and say,

We did something extraordinary, and God gets the glory!”

I value that about marriage. That we have each other to do things like this with. If you are reading this and you and your spouse have a dream in your hearts, I urge you to move toward it. Ask God to guide you and just do it!

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