For When You Need to Know the Way to Use Your Words

I walk in the room and something sets me off. I hear his tone the wrong way, assume a meaning he never intended, and respond with words I eventually regret.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.                                    Ephesians 4:29 (NIV)

This is the mistake I make countless times…

Failing to use my words for good,

Missing the opportunity to give grace to the one who’s listening,

And in the end, producing nothing beneficial from the exchange at all.

So many times we get caught up in a moment. We are passionate about our opinion and long to be understood. And when we perceive we’ve been wronged, we feel compelled to respond.

In that moment, words fly out as fast as pigeons out of a cage. And they’re often unwholesome and lift no one up at all. As a result, we injure the very relationship we value most, by our very own doing.

Not every word is wholesome. And with the help of the Holy Spirit it is possible to gain more awareness of our situation and pause before our responses.

Pause and reflect…

Will what I’m about to say build this relationship up?

Will these words make it stronger?

Will my message give grace to whom I’m speaking?

Are my words a gift of kindness this specific person needs to hear?

I’ve learned God is faithful to meet us in our moments of conflict, as we pause and surrender to Him. [Tweet that]

As we seek His wisdom before we offer our words, He meets us there to guide and direct our tongues and the power they hold to build up or destroy someone’s heart.

Even when our words are harmless or inoffensive, I’m learning through much experience…not-everything-is

Not everything is profitable to say.

Not everything we verbalize has the power to build up in the moment.

Not all words give the grace others need to hear.

May we be women who seek God’s heart before we respond, women who surrender to His way and love beyond limits, and women who give wholesome words as grace-gifts…

To build up and strengthen those who hear, in the very moment they need it most.

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