Embrace Your Marriage: A Virtual Marriage Retreat

This is the 3rd annual marriage series I have participated in! The first year we gathered together was in 2012 for Revive Your Marriage and then in 2013 we launched Ignite The Fire. {Click the titles to check them out!}

This year we are adding a few more marriage bloggers to the mix to bring you a virtual marriage retreat titled Embrace Your Marriage. I am thrilled to be digging into this marriage series with you because it gives us some topics to really focus tightly on. In the past these series always receive great interaction, which stimulates and encourages growth within our hearts. I strongly believe marriage issues should be talked about more openly and more often so that people do not feel so isolated in their struggles.  I also believe this is a great way to share resources that perhaps many wives do not know about!

The blogging friends who will be participating in this marriage series include:

Darlene Schacht

Courtney Joseph

Sheila Gregoire

Lisa Jacobson

Ashleigh Slater


Every Monday in September you can join each of of our blogs as we share on relevant marriage topics from different perspectives. Our hope is that many wives are encouraged during this series and feel revived in their marriage relationship as they embrace all that God desires for them.

**Can you leave a comment letting me know what you are excited to gain from this! And if you have any particular marriage questions surrounding the topics listed so that as I prepare for each post I can keep in mind your needs?

So mark your calendar and be sure to check back every Monday through September! Please take a moment to share this fabulous news with your wife friends!

And get to know the other bloggers joining in by going to their sites! Links are posted above!


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