Disconnect So You Can Reconnect With Your Husband

We are in an era of overwhelming technological stimulation.  The availability of smartphones, tablets, computers, etc., keep us plugged in to the social pipeline all day, every day, and for some, every minute of the day.


I wouldn’t hesitate to state that a large majority of us are actually addicted to this online connection.

A few of the top apps I am constantly logged into and spend time updating include Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.  Yet, I justify my constant connection and need to update by telling myself, “It’s ministry!”  As much as I do use these apps to update the ministry of Unveiled Wife, it should not come at the cost of the relationships present around me, most importantly being my relationship with my husband.

If we are driving in the car together, I miss out on great conversation to filter through Facebook statuses.  Before bed we sometimes spend time checking e-mails over cuddling.  While enjoying a nice lunch, the priority of Instagraming a photo of my food seems to take over.  And often times we get frustrated with each other because we feel neglected, as if the online connection is of more value than our marriage.

If you are like me, you will agree that we need to disconnect so that we can reconnect with our husbands.

We need to intentionally to unplug. 

It is imperative to reconnect with your husband daily.

I am not saying that it is time to give up using these apps altogether, but I am suggesting that we make boundaries with them.  Lets make sure that our marriage gets the priority in our lives and that we do not forsake the present moments we have to connect and share in real life with our husbands.

By being intentional in this way, I am positive that my husband will feel loved, cherished, and respected.  We will most likely make eye contact more and if we are purposeful about reconnecting everyday our marriage will benefit.  I am also hoping that if I take the initiative to disconnect to reconnect, my husband will be encouraged to do the same.

This was something God put on my heart to share.  Perhaps we needed the friendly reminder and encouragement to take advantage of the present presence in real life!

Have you ever struggled with disconnecting from social apps or technology?

Have you had to set boundaries in this area?  If so, how did you do it?


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