Did You Get Bad News Today?

Bad news is like a toxin that overwhelms our soul and then tries to strip us of our joy. Seeping into our hearts, it leaves us wondering what will happen to us, and sometimes stirs doubt for how God will help us through whatever circumstance we are facing.

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I have not shared all that has happened in my personal life the last two months, but I have experienced the ugly side of bad news, including the death of a family member, unexpected financial issues, a 30-day notice to move, and the new house we moved into having mold.

And can I just mention that bad news always seems to come at a bad time!

My stress level skyrocketed and my heart was not always quick to cling to God when I needed to most. But then I opened up to a verse in the Bible that gave me hope. I am not just saying that because the Bible is filled with encouragement…I mean this in all seriousness…I was filled with real hope reading this scripture! The kind of hope that helps you press on and live confidently no matter what circumstances overwhelm.

“They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them.” – Psalm 112:7

Oh how I need to remember this daily and cling to this truth!

I pray that if you have been in a season of enduring bad news, received bad news today, or perhaps face it in the future…I pray you would meditate on this verse and confidently trust The Lord will care for you!

I also want to speak life and hope into your marriage relationship. So often we let bad news and circumstances dictate how we treat our spouse. I am so guilty of letting my doubt and fear of the future rule in my heart and contribute to a bad attitude. Having a negative attitude contributes to more strife because I end up hurting my husband with my words and body language. So my encouragement to you, is to trust and rely on God before the bad news corrupts your attitude! Remember that your husband is experiencing the bad news too because you are one…so endure it as one! Lift each other up in prayer and affirmation!

**Update on the personal struggles just in case you were interested, we got to celebrate the life lost with all our family and God provided the funds to be able to travel on such short notice. We found our new home to rent within four days and were able to move that same week, because God provided and sent friends to help us move. And our new landlord took care of the mold swiftly and now we are able to completely unpack and get ready for baby #2…because…God is awesome and He truly does care! God has continued to provide for us, even when we were stressed out and frustrated from all this and more. The truth is that God is so much greater than our earthly problems. Trust in Him always and the bad news wont be able to steal your joy!

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