Dear Griever


Dearest Griever,

I want to challenge you to set a glass in the middle of your kitchen table and pray over that glass every morning. Listen for God’s whisper when He shares with you the name of someone who needs YOU. Reach out to that person and pour into them, you never know who needs to hear the words “I’ve been praying for you!” Then add a marble to the glass every time you pray for them until you see your glass as half full. It’ll be difficult at times, like spiritual growing pains. Allow God to use you and your story to bless someone else. And know that quite possibly, your name may be on someone else’s marble as well.

You’ve come so far in your grieving process and you’ve handled your loss with such grace. Stand firm on your beliefs and lean on God. He allows certain struggles to occur in our lives to bring us closer to Him than ever before. 1 Corinthians 10:13 shows us that there will be situations in our lives that we can’t handle alone and it’s in those times that we need to cling to the word of God more than ever! Allow God in and He will move in your life and move through you!

You know many have offered, so please allow your friends to LOVE ON AND bless you! As humbling and embarrassing as it may feel at the moment, don’t deny them the blessing of loving on you with a servant’s heart. Allow your devotion to your loved one give someone else hope in restoring a lost relationship. Death is often a reminder to be more intentional and more intimate with those that are still here.

Grieve. Share. Cry. Laugh. Hold onto the memories that make you feel the most comfortable. Whether it’s how they used to squeeze your hand to remind you that they loved you. Or how they used to confidently sing all the wrong lyrics to songs like no one else knew them either. Please know there are sisters in Christ who share your sorrows and can lend a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, or even an empathetic ear. I lost my mom 72 days ago and my only brother 6 years 5 months and 17 days ago.

Please know this:

You are loved.

You are stronger than you give yourself credit for.

And with God, you will persevere.


Your empathetic sister in Christ,

Heidi Celaya


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