Cheap Date Idea: Dreaming Of The Future Over A Cup Of Coffee


Date Idea Name: A Coffee Over Dreams

Difficulty Level: LOW
Time Investment: LOW
Cost: LOW
There is a lot going on in my life right now; work, family, friends, obligations, along with everything else that is vying for my time and attention. Which is why I, as husbands should be considering all the more how I am finding creating moments to spend intentional time with my bride. But coming up with creative thoughtful ways of spending that time is, for me, sometimes very hard.

That’s why I want to start blogging about date ideas to help all of us husbands at the same time.

Here is a very simple date idea that pretty much every husband can find the time and money to do with their wife. Not only will it give you a little time to be alone but it will also allow you to be emotionally and spiritually intimate with her.

  1. Pick a day and time that works for both of you. You’ll need at least an hour. To do this you can ask her in person or if you are a tech savvy family you can send her a tweet or email. To make this more intentional you can hand write a letter asking her if she would join you for a cup of coffee to talk about the future or you can go even further and send a Instagram video post directly to her with a personal invite from you. don’t forget to tag @husbandrevolution
  2. Find out what her favorite coffee shop is, It may even be a little cafe, just make sure it’s her favorite place. I’m sure she has a favorite drink there she will want to sip on while you talk. My wife’s favorite drink is an almond milk chai tea latte.
  3. Make sure you bring a notepad with you to write down some of the things you guys talk about. This is especially important for when you are planning for things that you will eventually want to accomplish, like a vacation.
  4. Order the drink for her and pick out a pastry for her as well. I don’t know about your wife, but I know my wife loves pastries. I’m Pretty sure food is our 6th love language.
  5. Prepare your heart and mind through prayer. Allow this hour or so to be a time of openness and freedom. Freedom to share without a fight. Freedom to dream outside the box. Freedom to relax with your wife. Don’t be easily offended either. This should be a safe time for you both to chat.
  6. Now talk about the future. Don’t know where to start?
    Here is a list of questions you can take turns asking each other.
    1. Where do you see us in 5 years?
    2. If you could go anywhere in the world for a weekend where would it be?
    3. What has been your most joyful moment from this year?
    4. Is there anything I could do to be a more understanding husband?
    5. Is there anything I can do to show love to you more?
    6. List 5 words that describe our marriage.
    7. What would you like to do for our next mini date?
  7. End the date by leading your wife in a short prayer. Pray that God would inspire you both with bigger dreams and a new excitement for your future together, also pray that God would help you accomplish the things you discussed.

I have always struggled with being romantic, but I believe this is because I am always overthinking it. Maybe it’s as simple as just doing something that had a bit of thought put into it. Wi’ll see.

Leave a comment letting us know if you are going to try out the date idea & then come back here and let us know how it went.


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