Brokenness To Beautiful: Finding Healing In Marriage

Have you ever experienced brokenness in your marriage?God-heals

Perhaps you are in the midst of it right now?

Brokenness is never easy to endure, but I do believe God can use our brokenness for something incredibly beautiful. I am proof. He took the broken pieces of our failing marriage and not only healed us, but now I share this awesome testimony through Unveiled Wife, encouraging women from all around the world to hang in there through the hard times. I am in awe of God’s power to take such a broken relationship and completely restore it and use it for good.

Today I share more about this on GapGals.Org an organization that runs in my hometown of Corona, Ca. Click Here to read more!

And on Monday September 16th I have the privilege of speaking on this topic at their Unite event! If you are in the area and would love to attend please register today! This is a free event and I would love to see you there. Registration can be found HERE!

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