Add Your Marriage To Your List For Spring Cleaning!

Spring is one of my favorite times of the year! The fresh aroma of flowers blooming, the light breeze that clears the air, the green popping up in the landscape, and the urge to spring clean the house all contribute to a familiar feeling of renewing. I absolutely love it!

When I though about spring cleaning the house this year, I added a few extra things to the list, especially as I nest and prepare for our second child soon to join us any day now. I also thought about how people, including myself, spend so much intentional time cleaning the house or cleaning out the garage to get rid of clutter…

but how often do we add our marriage to the list?

I think it is time to do so now!

We need to be intentional about evaluating our marriage relationship for things that need to be cleaned out in preparation to enjoy the rest of the year! 

Please join me on For The Family where I share 4 Tips on How to Spring Clean Your Marriage!

#3 is not always easy to do! In fact, it took me a few years to understand the significance of it!

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