A Resolution Every Wife Should Do in 2014!

**If you are following this post to be a part of the 30 day Online Bible Study as we go through Wife After God please check out my youtube channel for video updates each day.

Unveiled Wife Video Channel

You can also follow each day’s discussion topic below and add to the conversation in the comments below! The details about this event are located after the discussion topics!

Day 1 – God’s Purpose For Your Marriage

Have you ever thought of your marriage having purpose?

In what ways does your marriage teach you to be more like God?

Day 2 – Marriage By Design

What is one thing that makes it hard for you to respect your husband?

I realized after making the video that the discussion question can easily be misunderstood, so I wanted to clarify, this is an introspective question. Look inward at your own heart for the reasons why it may be difficult to respect your husband. Heart issues you have that hinder you. I hope that makes sense!

One huge roadblock for me is my own disappointment from unmet expectations in marriage and disrespect usually comes out in my body language. These two areas (heart issues) I really need to work on!

Also, if you want to share about the challenge, what reason will you be telling your husband why you respect him?

I am going to tell my husband I respect him because he is committed to seeking after God, which helps him lead me as a husband. I am also going to share that I respect him because he loves me, imperfections and all!

Day 3 – The Need For Companionship

When you got married you said yes to standing side by side, to enjoying life together, enduring storms together, comforting one another, and making each other known to one another through intimate conversations and experiences. You said yes! #WifeAfterGod

Companionship thrives when there trust in marriage. But you can build trust by initiating companionship…by doing what you said yes to on your wedding day!

Let’s Discuss:

Do you trust your husband?
Do you give him opportunities to participate in marriage that will build trust?

Day 4 – Your Spouse Is A Gift

My husband is one of my greatest gifts from God and he has shown me how our marriage can be a gift to others!

Let’s Discuss:

How have you and your husband been a gift to other marriages?

What are some the you have done or do that are a blessing?

Day 5 – Transforming Love

This is Part 5 to a 30 part video series about the devotional Wife After God.

Let’s Discuss:

What has Christ’s love done for you and how has it impacted your marriage?

Day 6 – Ministry Of Reconciliation

Let’s Discuss:

Is it difficult for you to initiate reconciliation in marriage? If so, why?

For me it comes down to pride and a defensive stance I take to seek  justification and validation for my feelings.  When I feed my heart reasons why I am right or reasons why I should not give in by apologizing or forgiving, I lose sight of the fact that my husband and I are one and on the same team.  The longer I allow pride to rule in my heart the harder it becomes to reconcile.  What I am learning is that humility yields the right to be right, which is necessary for two sinners to remain one.

Day 7 – Marriage Is To Make You Holy

Let’s Discuss:

How have you allowed God to use your marriage to refine you, mature you, and make you better?

What does it mean for you to be set apart as a wife?

Another area my husband has helped me grow is in manipulation. That is a sin that I have always struggled with! It was something I learned and did often towards my husband to hurt him like I thought I hurt, to justify my point in a matter or win him over to my way of thinking, or to give into my will. My husband is a strong man of character and does not tolerate it when I manipulate. He calls me out immediately and tells me how it hurts him. This challenges me to evaluate the way I think and how I react to certain situations in marriage. I have grown so much in this area, God is rewiring me so that I operate more like Him and less with the bad habits of sin I have learned somewhere in life.

Day 8 – Confident Worthiness

Let’s Discuss:

Do we know God finds us worthy?
Has it been difficult for you to be fulfilled in God alone?

Day 9 – The Good Wife

This is Part 9 to a 30 part video series about the devotional Wife After God.

Let’s Discuss:

What are practical ways you show your husband good on a daily basis?

How do you reflect God’s love to him?

I mention a few in the video but I forgot to mention prayer! I pray for him every day and we pray together every morning and night!

To join more of the conversation check out

Day 10 – Perfect Posture

This is Part 10 to a 30 part video series about the devotional Wife After God.

Let’s Discuss:

Do you justify your attitude or body language?

How does your attitude or body language affect your husband?

In the video I share how I was frustrated in the car and that God encouraged me to rest in Him.  As I thought about this devotion on posture I also felt like He said you will experience hardship, but I want you to adopt my posture! You can get through this, but don’t allow it to bring you down!  It was a very cool moment.

So often I justify my behavior instead of submitting it in obedience to Christ.  In my frustration I roll my eyes and give my husband condescending scowls.  It hurts him and makes him feel disrespected.

To join more of the conversation check out

Day 11 – Pure Joy

This is Part 11 to a 30 part video series about the devotional Wife After God.

Let’s Discuss:

How was the love of Christ showed to you through other people?

How have you reached out and helped others?

To join more of the conversation check out

Day 12 – The Armor of God

This is Part 12 to a 30 part video series about the devotional Wife After God.

Let’s Discuss:

What “flaming arrows” threaten your marriage?

I see flaming arrows as lies and insecurities from the enemy about my husband’s love and care for me.  I often say things out of my hurt after believing deception from the enemy like, “He must not care because…he did this or didn’t do that!”

To join more of the conversation check out

And to purchase Wife After God check out at


Have you been thinking of your new year resolutions?

I want to kick-off this new year with a BANG! As we all make our resolutions and commit to improving ourselves, let us place our role as a wife with priority as we intentionally seek to invest in this area of our lives.

I cordially invite you to join me as I go through Wife After God together with the Unveiled Wife Community live for 30 days via social media!

Wife After God is an awesome resource for wives who want to learn about marriage and desire to grow in their character.  To find out more about Wife After God check out this trailer below:

This is an invitation to experience more in your relationship with God and more with your husband! 

I wrote Wife After God for you! I am passionately committed to encouraging you in your role as a Christian wife. I truly believe Wife After God will lead you on an incredible journey as you are refreshed in your faith and in your marriage. I also believe that if we go through it with other wives we can share our experiences, offer advice, raise questions and discuss all that God is teaching us as we strive to be wives after God!  What better way than to do a large online bible study together!

Beginning Wednesday, January 1st I Will Be Going Through Wife After God With You!

I will be posting questions and comments to discuss on the Unveiled Wife Facebook Page (as well as Instagram and Twitter), leaving room for you to ask questions and share your comments about your experience with the devotional.

Many of you have already gone through the devotional, some maybe even twice! I hope that you will still consider going through it again with all of us and get involved in the discussions.

What You Will Need To Join:

  1. Make sure you have your own copy of Wife After God – Drawing Closer To God and Your Husband, which you can get here:
  2. Be sure to join the event on Facebook so you do not miss anything! {UW EVENT}
  3. Follow Unveiled Wife to join the daily discussion.


Share the buttons at the top of this article to invite them now.

Also, be sure to invite wives in person.

I hope that as we explore this 30 Day Devotional together we can help each other as we share feedback and discuss the contents of my book. Discipleship happens when we participate in fellowship, keep each other accountable and encourage one another, especially during those tough days…

Let’s Do This Together!!



Just to be clear: You Do Not Want To Miss Anything – This article will be updated with links to other articles written for and during this Online Bible Study. In addition, you can join the UW Event on Facebook to follow the discussion, especially if you are not available for the live talk! Please still leave your comments for me and others to return to and see!

Can’t wait to see how God moves through us during this time!

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