7 Easy Ways To Make Her Feel Loved – The 1 Week Love challenge

As husbands, we should make it a top priority to make sure our wives know that we love them. Some men don’t have the “cute” ideas to express their love that their wife desperately needs.
I have learned that I can show my wife that I love her without even spending a dollar on her. –Yeah, it’s possible.– Feel free to do any of the below, actually, I CHALLENGE you to do one of these a day for a week.

Are You Up For The 1 Week Love challenge?7-Easy-Ways-To-Make-Her-Feel-Loved---The-1-Week-Love-challenge

1) Leave a note on the bathroom mirror that says “You’re beautiful“. I promise you that she will feel beautiful all day. If your wife struggles with insecurities, you must do this!
2) Cook a romantic dinner for the two of you. If you have no idea how to cook, you can find hundreds of easy recipes online. I personally use Pinterest and I actually have a Pinterest board full of easy recipes. You can find that by clicking on this link. Side note: I made a menu for my wife that had options for an appetizer, an entree, and a dessert. Each item costs a certain amount of kisses. I gave this to her a couple days before I intended to make it. It is very cheesy, but women love cheesy.
3) Text her in the middle of the day and let her know that you are thinking of her. I promise that if her day wasn’t going so well, that simple text made it a lot better.
4) Wash the laundry and put the clothes away. I know that you probably had a long week at work and this is your day to relax. But in the span of years to come in your marriage, what is more important: your day of relaxation or the memory of this generous act that she will never forget about?
5) Leave a note in her purse letting her know that you hope she has a great day. What better way to start off a day than by reading a handwritten note? That shows you truly went out of your way and took the time to write something.
6) Send Edible Arrangements to her work. This will totally work if she is in an office setting all day with a bunch of other girls. This will make all her lady coworkers jealous and that is great! Plus she can share the chocolates with her coworkers which will give you the husband of the year award.
7) Post a Facebook status saying something along the lines of how lucky you are to have such a great wife. Or post a photo of her on Instagram and state something along the same lines in the description.

2 Bonus Days

8) Give her a long hug the moment you see her. This works wonders especially if your wife’s love language is physical touch.
9) Leave a trail of rose petals from the front door to the candlelit and rose petal filled bathtub. If her day wasn’t the best, this will quickly make her forget about it!
Do you have any other ideas? Are you up for the challenge? If so, let us know in a comment below and update us on how well it worked!

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