4 Easy Ways To Serve God With Your Husband

I always saw marriage as a divine team, organized and empowered by God.  A husband and wife teaming up to do God’s will is one of the greatest ways our character is refined.  It is definitely not always easy, but the end result is beautiful.


When I married my husband, we both had a desire to serve God together as much as possible.  In fact, the first few years of our marriage were dedicated to serving as missionaries, where we learned how to fully rely on God.

Just a few months after we married we spent four months in Africa learning about other cultures and teaching men, women, and children the Gospel.  It was an enduring time for me, personally being stretched beyond my comfort zone, and it was a trying time for our marriage.  As difficulties came, we overcame by God’s grace!

We learned so much about each other in that time and I thank God for the opportunity to serve as a missionary alongside my husband.  We learned how to be humble in our circumstances, how to trust God as our provider when we had no means of providing for ourselves, and we learned how to be generous, which is a quality my husband has taught me.

One thing I really appreciate from our time in Africa is how to trust my husband and to experience how he comforts me.  I was so familiar with growing up with my parents, I really didn’t know how to trust another person, especially when dealing in high-stress situations in foreign countries.  Yet, as we experienced Africa together, I witnessed my husband be a protector, an encourager, and a comforter.  There where times that I experienced a great amount of anxiety, however, my husband was there to share with me God’s powerful Word, he reaffirmed hope in my heart, and sometimes he would just hold me.  His touch was calming to soul.

I trusted him.

We still have a heart for missions and serving in other countries, but for the last two years our mission, directed by God of course, has been “marriage”.  We got involved in the Marriage Ministry at our church where we became table leaders. There are couples that sit at our table each week who share about their marriage experiences and we do the same.  We have a community of friends whom we get to pray with, encourage, and empower through God’s Word, and they do the same for us!  It is truly amazing to see how this marriage ministry transforms marriages!  It definitely impacted ours!

We serve together in this marriage ministry by praying for our couples, praying for each other, going to leader meetings together, leading the table together, and doing things with our community of couples just for fun.

Serving alongside my husband to further God’s Kingdom has been a blessing to our marriage. It takes the focus off of ourselves, humbling us to think and care for others.  If you do not serve consistently with your husband, I encourage you to find a way to serve with him for God and watch how it impacts your marriage!

4 Easy Ways To Serve God With Your Husband:

  1. Become greeters at church.
  2. Find a ministry in your church that you both can volunteer for.
  3. Go on a mission trip (this could be in your neighborhood through a local rescue mission or out of   country!).
  4. Find someone in your community to bless and agree on what to bless them with.

Please pray about where God would love for you and your husband to serve together and see what God has for you both!

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