3 Unique Ways To Grow Your Faith In 2015

Do you ever feel dry and lost in your faith? Not that you have lost your faith, you just feel like you need a new spark in your faith. I believe we all go through this at times. There are seasons of our life where we feel lonely and abandoned just like the Israelites felt in the wilderness, yet God was always with them. God allows us to go through season in our life, and every season is intended to draw us nearer to God and his purposes. No matter the season you are in now I suggest you continue to chase after God with your whole mind, heart, and soul. Never stop, for it is when we stop pushing through in our faith that we begin to move backward instead.
Some “no-brainer” ways to continue growing in your faith, is reading the word of God, pursuing community with other Christians and of course prayer. But what if you want to add some fun unique ways to your faith building arsenal.

Here are 3 unique ideas to help you grow in your faith in 2015.

  1. Subscribe to is a subscription-based mystery box that is filled with faith growing products. Every month they send out a new box with new goodies. An additional bit of awesomeness is that every box they also deliver pays to feed a child for a day. The description from their site reads, “Faithbox inspires positive Christian living by helping people grow in their faith, discover meaningful products, and give generously.”
    If you sign up today, please use our coupon code to get 15% off your first month. “UNVEILED15”
    Click Here To Learn More

  2. Follow Other Christan Blogs For Men

  3. Start listening to Christian literature with audio books

    I have always had a hard time reading books. I don’t have a hard time with the ability to read books, but rather with getting myself to sit down and commit to the act of reading. I read the bible every day, but I know that there are a ton of other spiritually challenging books out there that I could grow my faith. One way I have helped myself get more books under my reading belt is to listen to the audio versions. Audio books have been a huge help in my faith walk. Here are a few of my favorites: Crazy Love by Francis Chan and Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas.
    Browse All Christian Audio Books

There you have it, my 3 unique ideas for growing in your faith this year.

Do you have any others?
Please leave a comment with your own creative and unique ways of growing in your faith.

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