10 Ways My Husband Has Cherished Me Recently

I want to be more aware of the way my husband cherishes me. I know he does often, but I can easily go through a day and not acknowledge the way he loves me. I desire to acknowledge what he does so that I know what to thank God for when I am praying. I also want to be more aware so that I can thank my husband for the way he loves me. Showing appreciation will definitely show him that I am receiving his love and loving the way he cherishes me.

Acknowledging the ways my husband cherishes me will also inspire me to be creative in the ways I cherish and love him.

It is like a never-ending cycle of goodness.  

Looking back at the last few weeks I wrote down 10 ways my husband has cherished me and made me feel thought of, valued, and loved. I thought that by sharing these with you I would encourage you to evaluate the way your husband cherishes you or use these as an inspiration to creatively cherish your husband.

  1. My husband ran to the store for diapers and wipes the other night. When he got home, we ate dinner and then got the kids ready for bed. Once we headed for bed he told me he got something for me at the store and then he handed me a snickers bar. This random thoughtfulness blessed me so much, especially after the long day we had. It was a simple, sweet, and inexpensive gesture. It put a smile on my face!
  2. During the day, while our kids napped and the snow fell outside, my husband texted me from the living room. I was in our bedroom nursing the baby. He asked if I wanted a foot massage. Of course I did! And he didn’t hesitate to also massage by back! The physical touch was positive affirmation of his love for me. Super generous.
  3. For our 10 year wedding anniversary he organized a babysitter and took me on a date to a fancy restaurant in town. We ate a 5 course meal. This was a more expensive gesture and one we rarely experience, but it was so nice that he arranged everything. It was a very romantic evening and the first we have had since our 3rd child was born.
  4. The other night he came out of the bathroom and said, “Your bath is ready.” He had the cutest grin on his face too, as if he knew how much he was blessing me. He drew me a warm bath with essential oils that smelled so good and he made the bathroom low lit. He even thought to get me a fresh towel. He took the baby from me and encouraged me to take all the time I wanted and to enjoy the bath.
  5. During the month of January he committed to praying through 31 Prayers For My Wife. Not only has he been specifically praying for me through this resource, but sometimes he will pray these prayers out loud so that I hear them because he wants me to know what he is praying for. Also, his prayer journal was left out on his desk and I saw he wrote down a few prayers for me that he thought would bless me such as being able to have time to write blogs and strength as a mother of three and have an extraordinary passion for God’s Word.
  6. A few weeks ago I was having a difficult time with the physical pain of postpartum and nursing. He knows me so well he knew I was starting to retreat. So he reached out to a few of my girlfriends to ask for them to encourage me, which they did big time! And he encouraged me to reach out to others and let our community help us, especially when I feel overwhelmed. My friends stepped up and brought us dinners, spent time with our kids, and gave me some tips and advice on how to heal. This was a huge blessing that I didn’t know I needed.
  7. In the last trimester of my pregnancy, through postpartum and even still, he has been picking up the house and keeping the kitchen clean. These are things that I usually do, but have not been able to keep up with as diligently. He has no problem staying up a little later to make sure the dishes get done. This is one of those things I can easily take advantage of and think that he needs to be doing this, but instead I want to be grateful. I appreciate his care and concern to help carry the load of maintaining the home.
  8. To celebrate our 10 year anniversary he had the idea to do a music video to a beautiful song he found using videos from our marriage. I edited the footage of us and he refined it and put music to it. This little project showed me how well we work together and made me realize how much he is willing to do to make a vision of ours and dreams I have become a reality. He is always so supportive of me and I love collaborating with him.
  9. The other day he let me sleep in until 10am. I have never in my life slept for so long, and it must have been needed! It felt so good. I woke up to worship music playing, the smell of breakfast being made, and our kids being taken care of. This was selfless of my husband and I know he appreciates sleep and could have easily been annoyed that I was sleeping so long. Instead he saw it as an opportunity to bless me.
  10. We were driving in the car and he reached across the center console and put his hand out to hold mine. We drove for a while just holding hands. This shows me that he wants to be close to me and that he desires connection, even if we don’t talk. He just wants me present.

Ephesians 5:25-33

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body. “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

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