10 Games Married Couples Should Play

My husband and I love playing games. We both find it rewarding because when we play games we are spending quality time together.

Playing games is a great way to connect and engage. It also exercises our character as we quickly learn that we must respect each other, use kind words and have patience with each other. Otherwise, playing games becomes a source of contention for our marriage, which has happened countless times. Then again when we reconcile we grow closer together and learn more about each other and how we play games.

I want to encourage you and your spouse to be playing games. Whether it is once a week or once in a while, I believe it can increase intimacy and stimulate growth in marriage. Here is a list of my favorite games if you need some inspiration. Each of these games link to Amazon if you want to check them out in detail.

1. Settlers of Catan – This game is best played with four people. Grab some friends, your in-laws or older kids if you have them and get to playing! This is our favorite game right now and we have been playing it weekly!

2. Phase 10 – This is a card game that you can play with just each other or a group of players. It is a great game to bring if you are traveling somewhere and have down time.

3. Catch Phrase – This game is does get me a little stressed as it is done with a timer, but also stirs up quite a bit of laughter. Again this is a great one to bring if you are traveling.

4. Taboo – This is a fun game to invite some other married couples over to play with and spend time as a community.

5. Apples to Apples – This is a funny game to play. Aaron and I really enjoy this game! And it would be a great one to play with younger age children as well, so don’t hesitate to get the family involved. It does require you to know your opponents well as you try and win the cards based on their personality and how they make decisions.

6. Checkers – This is one of the best two player games out there! Checkers is a classic game that does not require too much brain power. Have a date night with your spouse and play this fun one.

7. Pictionary – One of my personal favorites because I love to draw. Get a group together and you could even do battle of the sexes as you team up girls verses guys!

8. Monopoly – This game teaches couples about finances and mortgaging! Ok, it is just a classic and fun game you should play together. It is one of those late at night, relive your childhood type games!

9.  Balderdash – Aaron and I played this game with friends while we were dating and it is still a favorite. The premise is making up definitions of words and using what you know of your opponents to get the most points.

10. Scrabble – This is another classic game that you and your spouse could play one on one. Battle each other for the winner’s title while brushing up on your vocabulary!

Plan a date night and Go Play!

If you and your spouse like a specific game that is not listed here please leave a comment so that the list grows! We always need more inspiration!

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